Saturday 23 March 2013

How to look young and beautiful

Looking young and beautiful is society’s top priority. Having a flawless skin is the best make up that every women want to achieve. At the age of 20, people start loosing 1 % of collagen each year and loosing collagen means that our skin’s firmness is loosing as well. So what else happens to our skin as we reach the age of 20?the cell renewal and turnover rate are slow down. The synthesis of elastic and collagen protein are also start going down as well. Due to all of the age, time, stress and environment factor, skin becomes dehydrated and expression lines are more defined. Skin is the first thing for people to look at and it could tell sign of aging.
Taking care of the skin could be very complex, costly about both money and time but it could be simple by taking a little change daily with a right product. Eating more real food mean more fruits and veggies, organic lean proteins, omega 3 fatty acids and last but most important- drink more water and drink less carbonated drinks, eat less food that have refined sugar or artificial sweeteners and colors, less eating processed foods.
 Our skin demonstrates how much effort and money (may be, it could be really costly!!!) we put into our skin. Having the right product is time and money saver. Pentaxyl from Market America is rated highly by many makeup and skin forums and being known as” Botox in a box”, it claims to work on both the outer most layers of skin cells and the layers between tissues; support skin to produce its own collagen, reduce the appearance of winkles and expression lines, promote skin’s firmness and thickness, reduce discolorations and increase hydration and especially well-known for its massive cure for stretch marks.

I have been using Pentaxyl for about 6 weeks now, and I notice my expression lines around my nose and mouth are reduced significantly and my face become more firm and toned. Together with Pentaxyl, which is to help my skin from outside, I also use OPC3 to help my skin stay beautiful from inside . They are my combo to start young and stay young. 
More product information can be found here : OPC3 and PENTAXYL
Sources : product info

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