Friday 8 March 2013

Isotonix-Vision lutein – A healthy solution for our eyes

I would like to begin with my story. I started being shortsighted at grade 6 and the diopters started at 0.75 only and it kept increasing as I grew up. In 2007, in the trip when back to Vietnam- my home country, my family and I decided that I would have the eye laser surgery, that was when I was shortsighted at 6.75 diopters . The surgery went well and after first 4 weeks, my eyes was absolutely back to when I was in elementary school, I could see everything clear from distance without any support from my old pair of glasses. I am absolutely happy with the result; it gives life back to my eyes. So as time went on, I did not maintain my eye health good enough so after 4 years of surgery, my eye started get weak and could not see far as I could before. I spent a lot of time with my laptop and smart phone screen and books as well, my vision started getting worse, I could feel that the white board now is more blurry for me, the letter my professors wrote now were getting smaller.
 I tried taking a lot of omega and fish oil supplement but that was a little help only. Until January, my business partner introduced the Isotonix Vision Formula with Lutein to me. Since I already gave other supplement a try, I would definitely give it a try as well, especially when it was recommended by someone I know and she used it too. I followed the instruction from the back of the bottle, took it with food. After taking it for like 10 minutes, I was like …. WOW… my eyes could stare at the snow without feeling sore. So I continued taking it and it never failed me, my eyes are now not teary and red anymore if I am with computer a lot, I can see my professor writing more clearly. For more product information 

Good things should be shared so I told my friends and my parents who have eye vision issues and they are happy with the results just like I do.  Because it is in Isotonix form so it absorbs to our body faster without making our kidney and liver work hard to break down the nutrients.
 I am glad and thank to my business partner who introduce the Isotonix Vision Lutein to me. We have only one pair of eyes, we need to take a good care of it.  I have found a right solution for my precious eyes.

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