Saturday 2 March 2013

B- Complex - My morning mate

As full-time students, many of my friends and I need to work to support ourselves and as nature many of us do not get enough sleep and rest. We tend to get tired and loose the focus during class and work. It might due to lack of sleep and energy, especially during exam period.

My friend introduced me to Isotonix Activated B- Complex. So what is in B-Complex? B-Complex contains 10 key ingredients, such as methylcobalamin (vitamin B12), folinic acid (calcium folinate), riboflavin-5-phosphate (vitamin B2), magnesium (carbonate), potassium (bicarbonate), thiamin HCI (vitamin B1), D-calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5), niaciamide (vitamin B3), biotin (Vitamin B7). These 10 ingredients are combined with the superior delivery of Isotonix, which helps absorbing to the body faster and better in a shorter time (30-45 minutes) without making my liver and kidney working hard to break down the goodness and deliver them to my body in the most efficient way.  With many of benefits of those ingredient s help to boots energy, decrease stress; improve mood, and much more. The isotonic form ensures that maximal utilization by the body for optimal results. According to the information on the official website SHOP.COM, it also helps increasing energy, supporting DNA integrity; promoting cardiovascular, healthy levels of homocysteine and normal cognitive performance.
For me, B-complex does not only help me with boosting energy, decreasing stress, improving mood but also work as my painkiller during my time of the month. I used to get pain and cramps between periods but with B-Complex, it is just there and not bothers me at all.
I usually take B-complex in the morning with my morning vitamins to give myself all day energy to go to school, work, hang out with friends and sometime it even lasts me until the night as well. One more thing that is very amazing about it is the effectiveness shows after 10-15 minutes only. The powder dissolves in water fast and easy and the taste is pleasure. 

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