Wednesday 27 February 2013

Fixx- Solution Oriented

 Fixx is one of so many brands belong to Market America. Fixx is known as a solution oriented product line which carries 11 different products about beauty and personal care.

I, myself have tried the Fixx Lash Extend and it gives the incredible surprise. I am an Asian girl who barely have lashes and it makes my eyes look less defined. I have try so many different products before which helped me but it cost double or even more and I only could see the result after 4 to 6 weeks. In contrast, with Fixx Lash Serum , I started seeing my lashes growing at the day 10th , I am happy with the result because first of all, I only pay half of what I paid before for products that took me more a month to see the result. Here is how my lashes look like after using the product :

I could not be any happier with my lashes and unlike other products on the market which give you lashes but the result does not last long.
I am a person who was born with thick hair and I fell very thankful for it. However it is still the pain for me too see my hair fall off when I wash it or comb it , especially when I move to Canada, it may due to the weather and environmental factors. Hair loss is not only the pain for women but also to men. Thank to Fixx that has came up with the amazing product with the most affordable price . It is called Fixx Thick Hair Shampoo and Conditioner , it is two in one product, I am actually saving a good amount of time daily , my hair looks and feels fuller and does not get oily quick as usual. I introduce it to people who begin the state of balding , and it actually help their hair grow back.

Skin is girl favourite topic , no make up is beautiful as a glowing and flawless skin. Talking about skincare, no skincare can actually absorb into our skin until we exfoliate it probably and give our skincare a nice and clean base to start with. Fixx Microderbrasion is gentle enough to not harsh your skin but strong enough to polish away the dead skin cell to give your skin radiant look. I use this twice a week as recommended because I have dry skin so that it is needed to prep well for following skin care steps.

By far, I have only tried those three products myself, you can Click Here to see the rest of the product line.
Fixx is eligible for 2 % cash back on that is available online.

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