Monday 1 April 2013

How do you take your vitamins ?

Vitamins are really important to everyone at every age. Lack of vitamin can cause bad health; for instance, muscle cramp, bad breath, fatigue, bad skin, weight issue… There are some certain vitamins that are recommended for a person. An average healthy person needs vitamin A, B and C daily to maintain their health and immune system. However, not everyone knows how to take vitamin efficiently and effectively. 
On the other hand, vitamins can be taken in our diet, how we eat, what kind of food… etc.  For example, vitamin A can be found in fish and dairy; vitamin D can be found in egg yolk, red meat; vitamin E can be found in almond; vitamin C can be found in orange, cabbage.
Nowadays, when everyone is so busy with work, school and social life so they do not have enough time to cook and vitamin in food is easily destroyed when they are cooked in high heat.
Therefore, many people choose to take vitamin and supplement as their daily diet. Taking vitamin in pill form are required our liver and kidney system to work hard to break down all the nutrients into isotonic form until our body can absorb them. I personally choose to take multi vitamin in powder form which can be transform into isotonic form when mix with water. It has been a great help for my weight loss routine, it is always taken together with my TLS.  It contains just about enough amount and number of vitamin for my body to maintain healthy. 
Here is the picture of my Isotonix Multi Vitamin with my name written on it :) 
More product information can be found HERE
Have a nice day everyone, stay healthy and happy :)

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