Monday 8 April 2013

My favourite online stores

People shop online for various reasons, some are to save time, some are like searching and surfing online before they actually go to physical store and for me it is save money as well.  Shopping online is not only helping me to save money in term of transportation, time and online deals. I can shop anytime, anywhere and compare their price, color…etc.
As many of you know, this blog features products and deals from SHOP.COM. Today, I will be sharing with everyone my favorite online stores beside other exclusive brands, most amazing deals and coupon.
SHOP.COM partners with more than 4000 different brands in order to provide service to many different target groups.
Travelocity is my top favourite because flight ticket is always expensive but with this site, I am not only able to search for cheapest price ticket but also by partnering with, I am able to save even more by getting 2% cash back on hotel and vacation package.
Aldo is my favourite store for shoes and accessories  both on-line and off-line, by shopping online, I am allowed to use many online exclusive deal is and getting 4 % cash-back on top of my every purchases.
ASOS is my biggest obsession when it comes to dresses and I enjoy their free shipping offer and 4 % cashback from as well.
Kiehl's offers finest skincare , body and hair care, I love how I do not need to go to the store to buy my favourite facial mask and get it shipped to my door with extra 2% cash back to me. YAY !!!
 There are many more stores that I love to shop online , these ones above are my most frequent one.
To make it extra fun, I also would love to share a few current hot deals in Canada online shopping industry that might be your interest.  Club Monaco newly jump on board with now offers extra 2 % cash-back to their value customers who shop online. Sears is offering extra 50% off on selected items online only.The Source is now offering 25% off on selected Canon cameras with 2% cash back .
Comment below with your favourite online stores, and I will send you current hot deals to help you save even more .

Monday 1 April 2013

How do you take your vitamins ?

Vitamins are really important to everyone at every age. Lack of vitamin can cause bad health; for instance, muscle cramp, bad breath, fatigue, bad skin, weight issue… There are some certain vitamins that are recommended for a person. An average healthy person needs vitamin A, B and C daily to maintain their health and immune system. However, not everyone knows how to take vitamin efficiently and effectively. 
On the other hand, vitamins can be taken in our diet, how we eat, what kind of food… etc.  For example, vitamin A can be found in fish and dairy; vitamin D can be found in egg yolk, red meat; vitamin E can be found in almond; vitamin C can be found in orange, cabbage.
Nowadays, when everyone is so busy with work, school and social life so they do not have enough time to cook and vitamin in food is easily destroyed when they are cooked in high heat.
Therefore, many people choose to take vitamin and supplement as their daily diet. Taking vitamin in pill form are required our liver and kidney system to work hard to break down all the nutrients into isotonic form until our body can absorb them. I personally choose to take multi vitamin in powder form which can be transform into isotonic form when mix with water. It has been a great help for my weight loss routine, it is always taken together with my TLS.  It contains just about enough amount and number of vitamin for my body to maintain healthy. 
Here is the picture of my Isotonix Multi Vitamin with my name written on it :) 
More product information can be found HERE
Have a nice day everyone, stay healthy and happy :)

Saturday 23 March 2013

How to look young and beautiful

Looking young and beautiful is society’s top priority. Having a flawless skin is the best make up that every women want to achieve. At the age of 20, people start loosing 1 % of collagen each year and loosing collagen means that our skin’s firmness is loosing as well. So what else happens to our skin as we reach the age of 20?the cell renewal and turnover rate are slow down. The synthesis of elastic and collagen protein are also start going down as well. Due to all of the age, time, stress and environment factor, skin becomes dehydrated and expression lines are more defined. Skin is the first thing for people to look at and it could tell sign of aging.
Taking care of the skin could be very complex, costly about both money and time but it could be simple by taking a little change daily with a right product. Eating more real food mean more fruits and veggies, organic lean proteins, omega 3 fatty acids and last but most important- drink more water and drink less carbonated drinks, eat less food that have refined sugar or artificial sweeteners and colors, less eating processed foods.
 Our skin demonstrates how much effort and money (may be, it could be really costly!!!) we put into our skin. Having the right product is time and money saver. Pentaxyl from Market America is rated highly by many makeup and skin forums and being known as” Botox in a box”, it claims to work on both the outer most layers of skin cells and the layers between tissues; support skin to produce its own collagen, reduce the appearance of winkles and expression lines, promote skin’s firmness and thickness, reduce discolorations and increase hydration and especially well-known for its massive cure for stretch marks.

I have been using Pentaxyl for about 6 weeks now, and I notice my expression lines around my nose and mouth are reduced significantly and my face become more firm and toned. Together with Pentaxyl, which is to help my skin from outside, I also use OPC3 to help my skin stay beautiful from inside . They are my combo to start young and stay young. 
More product information can be found here : OPC3 and PENTAXYL
Sources : product info

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Masking your skin intelligently

Masking and pampering your skin is a very important step of taking care your skin. Different types of masks give you different cares for your precious skin.  No make up and foundation is worth as a glowing skin.
I have dry combination skin type; it gets drier in the wintertime when we live by the warmness of the heating everywhere in Canada.  Research shows that people with dry skin tend to get winkle at earlier age and for me it is harder for all nutrients of skincare to absorb into our skin.
I started using Skintelligence Firming Mask as a suggestion from one of my friends.  It is very easy to apply and what I really like about it is that I can apply some regular paper on my nose area after two minutes and leave it for another 10 minutes, and then I can peel of the paper with my blackheads gone as well.

I mask using Skintelligence Firming Mask once to twice a week, and then follow up with my regular skin care routine. I notice that my skin feel tighten, toned and more smooth after using it. It also claims that within 12 minutes it helps to deep clean the pores and removes sebaceous “ pore- clogging” impurities and leaving the skin as soft as babies’. In addition, this facial mask supports the circulation and skin texture and help to reduce the effects from stress, environment.  Before using the mask to remove the dead skin, I steam my face by using hot water to open up the pores and after masking I like to use cold or icy water to dap on my face to keep my skin young and tighten. Take care of your skin on daily basic will help reduce the work that you have to in the future to have a beautiful skin.
Here is the product link for your reference : CLICK HERE